
Relationships In a Pandemic

Navigating our new dating environment one scroll at a time

Welcome to Usher! 

Ushering a new era of romance, dating apps have taken the world by storm – coupled with a pandemic, this new dating dimension has left people dating relatively blindly. Usher recognizes this discouraging dating environment and has started a blog to navigate pandemic dating.

My name is Rachael Pape, and I will be your navigation through this turbulent time. Dear diary-ing, and journaling have been my only audience in sharing my thoughts, and discoveries about dating thus far. And although these outlets have been incredibly validating  and good for the soul, I felt as though I had something worth sharing. Though my motivation to create a blog on dating was sparked by one of my communication classes at McGill University, I have always felt an urge to share my thoughts and opinions about dating in digitized world, and what better time to act on this urge than during a pandemic where time is seemingly not of the essence. My discoveries on dating did not come naturally, but rather hours (that I will never get back) scrolling through an endless pool of selection on dating apps, and prolonged conversations with friends about dating in our current environment. Hopefully my readers will take everything I say with a grain of salt as I am no expert, or doctor of relationships, but rather a keen 21 year-old who is a believer of true romance. Unfortunately, ‘true romance’ seems to get lost in the artificiality that is dating apps. Hopefully this blog acts as a GPS to navigate through the “is he a COVID crush, or the real deal?” or the classic “is she catfishing me?” or finally, our formidable friend “do I even like them or am I just bored?”. If this blog fails to answer your questions, I hope I can bring a smile sparked by relatability as we are all just trying to get through this time together.

You’ll hear from me soon, and I hope you find your way back to Usher.


Content credited to https://gardenandgun.com/slideshow/part-i-great-southern-romances/list/